• Surpass Your Limits.

    What might quietly guide your thought processes and decisions in everyday life without your explicit consent? Discover more, including helpful antidotes, through this workbook on limiting beliefs.

  • Find or Create Your Dream Job.

    How do you know if your career is heading in the right direction? How do you help guide it? Carefully craft a vision of your life and work to make it a reality...starting here.

  • Find the Right Mentor.

    Do you really have to go through your career guessing what to do at every juncture? No! Use this helpful tool to find the mentor you need right now!

  • Build a Robust Network.

    Where can you find the right allies and friends to accompany you throughout your life and career? Use this helpful One Note organizer to keep track of your network.

  • Build the Future You Want to Live In.

    We all want to build the future we want to live in, but where can you start? Try some of these ideas from the "Building Our Future Together" idea book.

  • Set up a Free Call!

    Interested in making the word a kinder place? Set up a free phone call consultation with Michael to get started!

Listening to the Audiobook?

Listen to “In Kind,” the Playlist

Need a little extra lift today?

Check out the “In Kind” playlist on Spotify - Over 40 songs chosen by Michael that celebrate living a life focused on kindness!